Ground Breaking Study on Domestic Sex Trafficking
Sex Trafficking has become the issue du jour in America during the past decade. The amount of legislation, coalitions, nonprofits, campus clubs, and documentaries focused on the issue have proliferated. With such an extensive amount of attention, what gaps still exist for donors to address? Excellence in Giving has spent the past year reviewing every study, interviewing sector leaders, and completing brand new research to answer that question.
So many urban legends about “100,000 trafficking victims in the USA with only 100 beds to care for survivors” have been circulated that it is time to set the record straight on what we do know, what we don’t know, and what we just discovered about the extent of the social sector’s role in the fight against domestic sex trafficking.
Did you know?
About 100 charities focus the majority of their work on domestic sex trafficking but that number more than doubled from 2011 to 2016 fueled by the 161% increase in private funding from 2010 to 2014
88% of trafficking survivors had contact with healthcare workers while enslaved so training medical personnel how to recognize and respond to signs can rescue more victims
Sex traffickers believe selling sex is safer than selling drugs, and “Johns” who pay for sex have no fear of repercussions for posting online about the sexual favors received at 6,339 illicit massage parlors in the USA
Check out our entire ground-breaking study of The Fight Against Domestic Sex Trafficking.
ABOUT: Excellence in Giving’s Research team can identify key data trends for any topic ranging from homelessness in Houston to poverty alleviation in India. Gaps in services are identified so strategic funders can invest where action is needed to make progress solving a problem they care about. The goal is not just to understand an issue or categorize contributing factors to the problem, but to acquire actionable intelligence. Good research leads to smarter giving. Check out our Research & Evaluation Services.