Hope Beyond Borders: Giving Into War-torn Countries

TrustBridge Global hosted a webinar entitled "Hope Beyond Borders: Giving Into War-torn Countries” on April 03, 2024. The key objective of the event was to provide foundations and individual donors with insight into the possibilities as well as the challenges associated with giving in conflict-affected areas.

Our guest speakers brought a wealth of experience and knowledge to the table, offering valuable insights drawn from their firsthand experiences as on-the-ground workers in conflict zones.


By combining expertise in international law with real-world perspectives, the speakers provided a view of the challenges surrounding conflicts.

For those who missed the live event, we encourage you to watch the recording of the webinar to gain a deeper understanding of the details of assisting regions impacted by war. By learning about the challenges and opportunities highlighted during the discussion, discover how your support can make a tangible and positive difference in the lives of individuals affected by conflict.


Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this program are those of the speakers and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of any entities they represent or of TrustBridge itself.


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