Why give internationally?

Charitable giving is a powerful way to make a positive impact in the world. While supporting local causes is essential, expanding your generosity to international efforts can bring about profound global change and increased joy in your giving journey.

Just as a savvy investor diversifies their portfolio to maximize returns and minimize risk, a thoughtful donor can expand their charitable giving portfolio for greater impact. While investing in local causes forms a solid foundation—like blue-chip stocks in your financial portfolio—broadening your philanthropy to include international efforts can be likened to adding growth stocks or emerging market investments.

This diversification of your charitable portfolio not only spreads your impact across a wider range of causes but also potentially yields higher "returns" in terms of lives improved and problems solved on a global scale. Often donations to causes close to your heart in other parts of the world have a great “pound for pound” impact in other countries. By balancing local contributions with international giving, you create a well-rounded philanthropic strategy that can drive transformation both at home and around the world.


Here are three compelling reasons why you should consider charitable giving outside your own country:

1. To alleviate human suffering

If you are fortunate enough to have resources beyond your immediate needs, you have the unique opportunity—and perhaps even the duty—to extend a helping hand to those less fortunate. Supporting international charities allows you to leverage your resources to empower communities facing significant challenges.

In many parts of the world, people struggle to meet basic needs like access to food, clean water, education, and healthcare. For instance, in Sub-Saharan Africa and parts of South Asia, millions of people live on less than $1.90 a day, the international poverty line defined by the World Bank.

Your charitable donations or impact investments can support projects that provide sustainable agricultural practices, improve water sanitation, and build schools and clinics. These efforts can lead to long-term improvements in living conditions, enabling communities to become self-sufficient and break the cycle of poverty. More than just providing resources, you're investing in human potential.

2. To increase global stability

Global health is a critical area where international charitable giving can make a substantial difference. Many regions suffer from the burden of infectious diseases, lack of medical infrastructure, and limited access to healthcare professionals. Supporting global health initiatives can save lives and prevent the spread of diseases that do not respect borders.

In-country health organizations are often the ones who know how to respond best to provide medical aid in a culturally sensitive way, yet they lack the resources to do so. Donations to local organizations in crisis zones makes it possible for them to help vaccinate people against deadly diseases, fund lifesaving medical interventions, and provide training for local healthcare workers. The result is a healthier and more resilient population which can lead to greater political and social stability worldwide.


3. To foster a sense of solidarity and understanding

Charitable giving beyond your own country fosters a sense of international solidarity and mutual understanding. Recognizing our shared humanity and the interconnectedness of the world’s challenges and solutions is crucial for instilling a sense of compassion in your family and others in your sphere of influence. Supporting global causes encourages empathy, cultural exchange, and collaboration.

When you engage in cross-border giving, you become part of a larger global community committed to helping local communities flourish in every way. This solidarity can lead to more connected and compassionate global communities, as well as foster your own personal growth and awareness.

An adventure of compassion

Perhaps the greatest reward of giving abroad is the surprising change it creates in you. When you support causes beyond your borders, you open yourself, and your family, up to something much bigger.

You might be surprised by the surge of joy you feel when you hear about a child attending school for the first time because of your support, or the sense of connection you experience learning about other cultures.

International giving can instill a sense of purpose and fulfillment that's hard to match. There's something incredibly empowering about knowing that your actions are making a tangible difference in someone's life halfway across the globe.

So, while you're nurturing human potential abroad, you're also nurturing your own spirit of generosity and connection. It's a journey that can bring unexpected moments of joy, laughter, and connection within your family. In the end, international giving isn't just about what you can offer the world – it's also about the world of hope it offers back to you.



With two decades of experience as a brand journalist, Sheila Dolinger brings insightful storytelling on a variety of topics from her home in Atlanta, Georgia. When she's not crafting engaging content, she dedicates her time to mentoring underserved youth through a local creative writing program.


2024 TrustBridge Global Year-End Giving Guide


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