Country Specific Information

United Kingdom - Stewardship UK

Donors - Donations recommended for non-UK charities are made to the TrustBridge Fund at Stewardship UK with instructions regarding the recipient charity. Stewardship takes care of claiming the Gift Aid, if applicable. For donors that do not need or wish to claim Gift Aid, a GBP contribution can be made directly to TrustBridge Global.

Charities - TrustBridge recommends grants to UK charities from its Stewardship Giving Fund into the charity’s Stewardship Recipient Fund in GBP. The UK charity receives grant disbursements according to their chosen schedule with Stewardship.

Australia - Entrust Foundation

Donors - Donations recommended for non-Australian charities are made to the TrustBridge Global Fund at Entrust Foundation. Entrust will issue an Australian tax receipt where applicable. For charities approved on the TrustBridge Global Network, we encourage donations of AUD 5,000 or more.  Donors that do not need a tax receipt are able to give directly to TrustBridge Global in AUD.

Charities - TrustBridge recommends grants to Australian charities from The TrustBridge Global Foundation Fund at Entrust Foundation in AUD.


United States - TrustBridge Global (International Generosity Foundation Trust)

Donors –Donations are made to TrustBridge Global (International Generosity Foundation Trust) with the recommendation for the Charity Fund of the non-US charity. Donations can also be made to the TrustBridge Global (International Generosity Foundation Trust) Fund at National Christian Foundation (NCF) with the recommendation for the Charity Fund of the non-US charity. NCF or International Generosity Foundation respectively will issue a US tax receipt.

Charities - We will make our grant to a US charity from International Generosity Foundation Trust in USD.

Switzerland - TrustBridge Global Foundation

Donors - Donations are made to the Charity Fund at TrustBridge Global Foundation. TrustBridge Global will issue a Swiss tax receipt where applicable.

Charities – TrustBridge Global will make our grant to a Swiss charity from the Charity Fund with TrustBridge Global Foundation in CHF.


South Africa - Tree of Life Foundation

Donors - There are no tax benefits for donors wishing to recommend international grants from South Africa, however, donations can be made to the TrustBridge Fund at Tree of Life Foundation with the recommendation for the Charity Fund of the international charity .

Charities - TrustBridge recommends grants to a South African charity from the TrustBridge Global Fund at Tree of Life Foundation in ZAR.  

Canada - Canadian National Christian Foundation (CNCF)

Donors - Donations recommended for non-Canadian charities are made to the TrustBridge Global Fund at Canadian National Christian Foundation (CNCF) with the recommendation for the Charity Fund of the international Charity. CNCF will issue a Canadian tax receipt where applicable. Donations from Canadian donors can only be accepted into approved recipients with a Canada Program Fund with TrustBridge.   Please contact us at for further information on the Canada Program Fund.

Charities - TrustBridge recommends grants to a Canadian charity from the TrustBridge Global Fund with CNCF in CAD.  


New Zealand - Kaiarahi Trust

Donors - Donations are made to the TrustBridge Fund at Kaiarahi Trust with instructions to onward grant to the Non-NZ charity. Kaiarahi will issue a NZ tax receipt. Donors that do not need a tax receipt are able to give directly to TrustBridge Global in NZD.

Charities - TrustBridge recommends grants to a New Zealand charity from the TrustBridge Global Fund at Kaiarahi Trust in NZD.

All Other Countries

Donors - Donations are made to the Charity Fund at TrustBridge Global Foundation in Switzerland. A receipt can be issued, but donors need to consult their local tax advisor on the deductibility of their gift.  

Charities - We will make our grant to an international charity from the Charity Fund with TrustBridge Global Foundation in Switzerland in the fund currency chosen by the charity.