TrustBridge Global Foundation

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2024 TrustBridge Global Year-End Giving Guide

Charitable gifts can be made all the way up to the very end of the year, but giving earlier in the calendar year can maximize the impact of your contribution and can provide further benefits for you and the charities you support.

Here are a few advantages of giving early with TrustBridge Global:

1. Beating Tax Deadlines

In countries that provide tax deductions for donations made during the calendar year, giving earlier ensures that you can claim deductions for the current calendar year’s taxes without worrying about missing donation cut-off dates for tax claims.

2. Sufficient Time to Vet Charities

For donors intending to give to new charities, giving early provides ample time for the TrustBridge Global team to conduct due diligence on the charities, so they can be vetted to receive donations if qualified.

3. Better Planning

Giving early allows the charities you support to plan their activities for the upcoming year more efficiently.

4. Peace of Mind

Donors and charities can enjoy peace of mind when contributions are sent early in the year as they are assured that gifts will be received in time, even with unforeseen complications or delays.

5. Holiday Cheer

In many parts of the world, charities conduct year-end programs coinciding with the holiday season. By giving earlier, these charities can be assured they will have the necessary funding to implement their year-end programs, benefiting various communities.

Important Reminders

Keep these dates in 2024 in mind when donating to TrustBridge Global. Doing so will ensure that transactions are processed and credited within the calendar year. 

Key Dates for Donors 

Key Dates for Charities 

We understand that charitable giving regulations will differ from country to country, and some cases may require further consultation. For questions or clarifications, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Download a copy of the 2024 TrustBridge Global Year-End Giving Guide.